Miami-Dade Democrats Condemn Maduro-Linked Donations to Commission Candidate John DuBois


Miami-Dade, FL: - A bombshell New York Times story yesterday revealed that former Republican congressman David Rivera and his company were paid $15M by Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro’s PDVSA oil company. Several local Miami-Dade politicians are implicated in this scandal, as David Rivera's company has made donations to both Esteban "Steve" Bovo (who has since announced he will return the tainted money), as well as District 8 Commission Candidate John DuBois. Mr. DuBois has remained silent about the Maduro-linked money.


Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Steve Simeonidis issued the following statement:

“John DuBois owes the residents of District 8 an explanation for accepting donations linked to the brutal regime of Nicolas Maduro. He must return those funds immediately. Candidate DuBois owes this community an apology for accepting tainted money and for his silence in the face of this scandal.”


About the Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee: The Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee is the governing body of the Democratic Party in Miami-Dade County. Its mission is to build and sustain a strong Democratic Party in Miami-Dade County for the purpose of electing Democratic candidates to offices at all levels of government.

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