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I wrote this email to support the release of our digital video blasting Trump’s chaotic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Trump is trying to declare "mission accomplished" on his failed coronavirus management. His administration is trying to whitewash Trump's terrible record which cut our pandemic response team, downplayed the severity of the crisis and left us woefully unprepared. Too many have died because he didn't listen to the science.

But we know the truth. Will you help us spread the word? We've made a short video that uses Trump's own words to showcase how much his chaos has cost us. Will you watch it and share it with your networks?

We can end Trump's chaos with your help. But we have to get the word out. Thank you.

Steve Simeonidis
Chair, Miami-Dade Democratic Party

Coronavirus Resources: We've collected resources on drive-through testing, grocery store hours, unemployment and small business aid and more here at

Are you a sustaining donor? Even $5 a month makes a big difference.

The local Miami-Dade Democratic Party is a self-funded, membership-driven organization of dedicated volunteers.

We are the largest Democratic county (600K registered Democrats) in the biggest swing state. We have a plan to win in 2020 and remove Trump from office, and it involves paid staff, increasing efforts in voter registration, outreach, events, and marketing. Support our work with a monthly donation of any amount here: