Worse than we thought

I wrote this fundraising email as we began to see just how badly Trump was handling the coronavirus outbreak.


We knew Trump’s presidency would be bad. We knew it would cause real harm to the most vulnerable in our society. We knew that his narcissism and delusions of grandeur were not a recipe for good governance. But we didn’t know just how harmful he would be.

Until now. A new devastating report from the New York Times shows that Trump recklessly ignored the experts who urged him to take decisive action on coronavirus months ago.

Enough is enough. Our health—and the health of our democracy—is at stake. Trump may think his authority is “total,” but he’s not a king. Pitch in $10 now to help us reach every Democrat in Miami-Dade with a message to enroll in Vote-By-Mail >>

Thank you for all you do.

Yours in the fight,

Steve Simeonidis
Chair, Miami-Dade Democratic Party

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