Earned Media For Homeowner Assistance Funds Press Conference with Rep. Lois Frankel

In spring 2022, I helped organize a series of press events to publicize relief funds available to Florida homeowners through the American Rescue Plan.

One of these events was a press conference on May 9, 2022, with Congresswoman Lois Frankel and local state leaders and constituents in West Palm Beach. The earned media through local TV coverage was over $79,000 according to Critical Mention.

Here is some of the earned media coverage:

Palm Beach Post: Florida's $676 million in mortgage relief: Lake Worth Beach woman never gave up on trying to save her home

Homeowner Monica Figueroa talks about avoiding foreclosure through help from the Homeowner's Assistance Fund during a press conference with Jonathan Brown, the county's director of Housing and Economic Development (back), Congresswoman Lois Frankel and Chris Richmond of Floridians for Honest Lending in West Palm Beach Monday. GREG LOVETTITHE PALM BEACH POSTI