Mike Bloomberg and Miami-Dade County Democratic Executive Committee Announce $500,000 Contribution for Canvassing Effort

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
For Immediate Release
Contact: Christopher Richmond

Mike Bloomberg and Miami-Dade County Democratic Executive Committee Announce $500,000 Contribution for Canvassing Effort

Bloomberg’s Contribution Sets Record for Largest Contribution Received by the Executive Committee Since At Least 1969

Mike Bloomberg and Miami-Dade County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) announced today a $500,000 contribution from Mike Bloomberg to strengthen canvassing and Get Out the Vote efforts across the county.

This is the DEC’s largest contribution since first recording contributions in 1969. Mike Bloomberg’s funding arrives at a crucial time in Miami-Dade as diversity and Democratic support are both increasing. Black and Hispanic voters made up roughly one fifth of registered voters in Florida in 2008, while today they make up nearly one third of the vote. Many of these voters live in the Miami-Dade area.

“We greatly appreciate Mr. Bloomberg’s commitment to electing Democrats,” said Miami-Dade DEC Chairman Steve Simeonidis. “His contribution has enabled us to put nearly 200 neighborhood organizers in communities throughout our county, which will significantly boost Democratic turnout.”

"As one of the most diverse counties in Florida, Miami-Dade County is a particularly important county for a Democratic victory in Florida," said Mike Bloomberg. "I’m glad to support the Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee's work to directly reach voters and urge them to cast their ballots."

The Miami-Dade County DEC is working hard to engage its diverse base of voters and activate support for Democrats, from the presidential race to town council seats. With three weeks until the election, the DEC continues to employ a trilingual communications and organizing strategy to reach Spanish, English and Creole speakers, in their communities, online, via TV and radio as well as through mail, text and phone calls.

This is part of Mike Bloomberg’s commitment to spend $100 million in Florida through Independence USA and other Democratic groups to support Vice President Joe Biden in defeating Donald Trump with increased get out the vote efforts through Election Day in diverse communities across Florida.


About Miami-Dade County Democratic Executive Committee

The Miami-Dade County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party in Miami-Dade County. Its purpose is to build a strong Democratic Party in the county, for the purpose of electing Democratic candidates to offices at all levels. They proudly support Democrats running for office and policies that promote justice & welfare for all.