The Property Insurance Special Session Starts Today - Watch This Video Explainer


Dear Christopher,

Today, the Florida Legislature is back in session, meeting to address the skyrocketing cost of property insurance.

This morning, Floridians For Honest Lending released a series of videos with our partners at FAIR, the Federal Association For Insurance Reform, to educate the public about the property insurance crisis and to call for a consumer-focused approach to stabilizing the property insurance market in Florida.

Our Executive Director, Laura Wagner, was quoted in Florida Politics this morning.

“We’re nine days out from what is expected to be an especially active hurricane season,” she said. “Right now, the risk of increased foreclosures is rising in Florida due to double and triple-digit increases in insurance premiums, increased property taxes, and the flight of insurance companies from the state, which could back many homeowners into force-placed insurance policies that provide little coverage and which many homeowners on a fixed income have no way of affording. Expensive force-placed insurance policies always lead to increases in foreclosures. The Legislature must act this week to stabilize the insurance market.

 READ MORE here.

Naturally, many people want to know, what are the solutions to this crisis? What can we do in the short-term to stabilize the marketplace and what can we do in the long-term to bring insurance rates down?

In this video, Paul Handerhan, President of FAIR, breaks down the options that the Legislature has to address the crisis in the short term, and what they should do to bring down rates in the long-term.

Do You Have a Story To Tell?

Do you have a story to tell about excess property insurance rates? Has the insurance crisis affected your ability to afford to live in Florida? Sign the petition for Property Insurance Relief and share your story with us.

Thank you for all you do. Stay in touch and follow along for more updates about the property insurance crisis and consumer lending advocacy from Floridians For Honest Lending.


Christopher and the whole team at Floridians For Honest Lending