The Impact You Had in 2022
Dear Christopher,
As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished together in the past year.
A Look Back at Your Impact with Opportunity For All Floridians in 2022.
Thanks to you, Opportunity For All Floridians stood up for citizen ballot initiatives when the Florida Legislature threatened to limit citizen participation in our democracy.
emails sent to lawmakers
You stopped a wasteful giveaway to big electric companies when the Florida Legislature tried to pass a law which threatened Floridians' solar freedom and would have raised everyone's power bills. With the help of your actions, we pressed the governor to veto the bill.
emails & calls to lawmakers and the governor
You stopped a dangerous preemption law that would have taken power away from local governments, and given more power to the puppy mill industry. With the help of your actions, we pressured the governor to veto the bill.
calls, emails, petitions signed to lawmakers and the governor
And you are continuing to take action. Right now, thousands of Floridians have emailed the Florida Public Service Commission to tell them to stop the price gougingfrom the big electric companies.
emails to the Public Service Commission and the governor
We are proud of all the impact the members of Opportunity For All Floridians family had on behalf of creating an economy that works for everyone, protecting Florida's animals and natural world, and standing up for our democracy.
These are issues that are critical to the future of our state, and we are committed to continuing to work towards a brighter and more sustainable future with economic opportunity for all Floridians.
If you want to read more about all that you and the 40,000 members of Opportunity For All Floridians did last year, please see our full annual report on our website.
Christopher and the rest of the team at
Opportunity For All Floridians