Text message about Florida's rollback of child labor laws

Opportunity for All Floridians sent this text message to our audience after the Florida House passed a law rolling back decades of Florida’s child labor protections. Our research suggested that many everyday Floridians did not believe that the legislature would do something like this, so we opened our messaging by saying, “YES, THIS IS REAL.” This text asked readers to reach out to the Florida Senate to ask them not to pass the final bill. Unfortunately, the bill did pass and was signed into law on March 22, 2024.

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Text message to voters to save prepaid voters on Vote-By-Mail ballots in Brevard County

When the Brevard County commission threatened to slash the budget of the Brevard Supervisor of Elections, and cut their budget for sample ballot and prepaid postage on Vote-by-Mail ballots, we worked with our partners at All Voting is Local to alert all of our audience members in Brevard County and urge them to speak out. This text was sent to 240 mobile subscribers in Brevard County with easy-to-take steps to call their county commissioners. Thanks to this advocacy, the Brevard County Commission unanimously voted to save prepaid postage and sample ballots at their September 19 meeting.

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Floridians with disabilities may face more voting obstacles

Florida’s vote-by-mail system is a critical piece of the state’s free and fair elections, enabling millions of Floridians to participate in the democratic process. Access to vote-by-mail is particularly important for voters with disabilities, the majority of whom vote by mail due to transportation and other access barriers. However, recent changes to the vote-by-mail request system proposed by Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, could create significant barriers for people with disabilities, limiting their access to the ballot box, and making Florida’s elections less fair and less free.

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