Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Housing Advocates Announce Federal Housing Funds for Struggling Homeowners

In 2022, as Communications Director of Floridians for Honest Lending, I helped organize several press conferences with elected officials to publicize available relief funds for homeowners struggling to pay their mortgages from the American Rescue Plan. These press conferences achieved thousands of dollars in earned media.

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Digital Ad: Gov. DeSantis: Please Veto This Cruel Bill

🚨 BREAKING: SB 620, the Puppy Mill Loophole Law, has now been sent to Governor Ron DeSantis. He has vetoed bad bills before, and he has the chance to veto this cruel bill. New reports suggest Gov. DeSantis was concerned that this bill would give the owners of puppy mills almost unlimited power to operate anywhere in Florida. Now he must decide whether to veto this cruel bill. Add your name and tell Gov. DeSantis: No more puppy mills! Veto SB 620. #NoPuppyMills #Veto620

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Floridians For Honest Lending Urges Legislature to Take Consumer-Focused Approach to Insurance Reform

I wrote this press release as communications director for Floridians for Honest Lending. It urged a consumer-focused approach to property insurance relief and promoted a series of videos we produced with FAIR. It resulted in an article in Florida Politics entitled: "Consumer advocates push accountability for bad actors, assistance for homeowners ahead of Special Session"

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Floridians For Honest Lending Urges Legislature to Take Consumer-Focused Approach to Insurance Reform 

Today, as the Florida Legislature is set to meet this week for a special session regarding property insurance, the consumer lending watchdog group Floridians For Honest Lending and the insurance reform group Federal Association For Insurance Reform (FAIR) released an educational video about short-term and long-term solutions to fix Florida’s broken property insurance market. The video is part of a series about the increased risk of foreclosures if the Legislature fails to provide stability to Florida’s property insurance marketplace.

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Earned Media For Homeowner Assistance Funds Press Conference with Rep. Lois Frankel

In spring 2022, I helped organize a series of press events to publicize relief funds available to Florida homeowners through the American Rescue Plan.

One of these events was a press conference on May 9, 2022, with Congresswoman Lois Frankel and local state leaders and constituents in West Palm Beach. The earned media through local TV coverage was over $79,000 according to Critical Mention.

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The Miami-Dade Bar and Floridians for Honest Lending hold seminar for those at risk of losing their homes

MIAMI- Financial institutions tapped the brakes on foreclosures in 2020 and most of 2021, as a federal moratorium gave the millions of homeowners who lost a job due to Covid-19 some financial breathing room. Many took the route of pursuing loan modifications, in a process that was abused by some banks even during the worst of the crisis.

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